The Vision of the Mission  We are a community of believers that have pledged our lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ to go forward into all the earth and make disciples of all nations. Billions of souls are waiting for us to reach them and it’s now possible. Live zoom crusades and other technological breakthroughs have now made it possible where thousands can gather thousands of miles away, and receive the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead through the airwaves without messengers having to be there in person. Join us on our journey as we empower evangelists from all over the globe to reach nations without even having to leave their own cities. We believe in the go of the gospel, but when there’s limitations placed by governments, it’s time to let the Holy Spirit be creative through us. America is one nation under God that was founded upon reaching the nations by the God that we were founded upon. As Robert Hunt placed a cross in the sand at Cape Henry in 1607 and declared, “that the gospel will go forth from these shores to all the nations of the earth”, we are in agreement. 
The Good Newscaster


Audio Teachings:

      1. Spiritual Birthing
      2. King Jesus
      3. Fellowship in the Cross
      4. Breath of God
      5. Into the Wounds of Jesus
      6. Lean into the Lamb
      7. Evangelism Training

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